Urban Bat Project dissemination

UBP Publications:

Hughes, M., Brown, S.K., Redfern, T., Perry, R., Maddock, S.T. and Young, C.H. (2024) Using Multi-Point Activity Surveys for identification of bat commuting routes and selection of candidate urban dark corridor sites. REPRINT doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-4093852/v1

Hughes, M., Brown, S.K., Martin, R. and Maddock, S.T. (2024) Successful amplification of DNA from non-destructive buccal swabbing in Vespertilionid and Rhinolophid bats. Conservation Genet Resour 16, 199–202. doi.org/10.1007/s12686-024-01352-8

Hughes, M. Brown, S.K., Foster-Plume, D., Lee, D., Redfern, T., Maddock, S.T. and Young, C.H. (2023) Big city bats: Species-specific effects of the urban matrix on forearm length and fat stores of bats in the West Midlands, United Kingdom (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae). Lynx, nová série. Praha: Národní muzeum, 54(1), 75–82. doi.org/10.37520/lynx.2023.005

Hughes, M., Brown, S.K., Redfern, T., Perry, R., Maddock, S.T. and Young, C.H. (2023) Multi-Point Activity Surveys: A novel technique for the analysis of the movements ofDaubenton’s bat Myotis daubentonii (Kuhl, 1817) on Waterways. British Island Bats, Bat Conservation Trust, 4, 5-11.

Hughes, M., Cross, C., and Brown, S.K. (2023) Interspecific cohabitation of maternity colonies of Nyctalus noctula and Myotis daubentonii (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in a single roost feature in the West Midlands, UK. Journal of Bat Research and Conservation. doi.org/10.14709/BarbJ.16.1.2023.02

Hughes, M., Brown, S.K., Maddock, S.T., and Young, C.H. (2021) Changing the maps of urban bat distribution. British Island Bats, Bat Conservation Trust. 2, 34-43. https://wlv.openrepository.com/handle/2436/624381

Hughes, M., Brown, S.K., Kaburu, S.S.K., Maddock, S.T. and Young, C.H. (2020) Advanced survey effort required to obtain bat assemblage data in temperate woodlands (Chiroptera). Lynx new series. 51(1):41-48. 10.37520/lynx.2020.004

UBP Conference Contributions:

Hughes, M. (2024) Interspecific cohabitation of M. daubentonii & N. noctula. International Bat Research Symposium, Tarragona, Spain.

Hughes, M. (2023) Interspecific cohabitation of M. daubentonii & N. noctula. National Bat Conference, Nottingham.

Hughes, M., (2023) Interspecific cohabitation of M. daubentonii & N. noctula. British Bat Research Symposium, Bristol. 

Hughes, M., and Brown, S.K. (2022) Influence of the urban matrix on bat size and fitness. National Bat Conference, Stafford.

Hughes, M., and Brown, S.K. (2022) Workshop: Advanced Bat Surveys. Midland Bat Conference, Birmingham.

Hughes, M., and Brown, S.K. (2022) Never Underestimate a Potential Roost Feature. Bats and Trees Conference, Arboricultural Society, Warwick. 

Hughes, M. (2021) Squeaky Blinders: selection of dark corridors for bats. National Bat Conference, Online.

Hughes, M. (2021) Challenging misconceptions about urban bats. Mammal Soc Spring Conference, Online.

Hughes, M. (2021) Advanced bat surveys: When to call it a night. British Bat Research Symposium, Online.

Hughes, M. (2020) Changing the maps of urban bat distribution. World Bat Twitter Conference, Online. 

Hughes, M. (2020), Using networks of EMT2 Pro bat detectors to identify key landscape features used by M. daubentonii. Midland Bat Conference, Online.

Hughes, M. (2019) Using networks of EMT2 Pro bat detectors to identify key landscape features used by M. daubentonii. International Bioacoustics Society Congress, Brighton.


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